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Typically, settlement brochures present the specifics of your case to the opposing side to help motivate a settlement. Creating the brochure as an audio-visual documentary helps the opposition recognize for themselves the human emotion that will also affect the outcome of the case should it go to trial. These video-based documentaries establish the traumatic event of the case – such as a tragic accident – showing both the causes and results. Opposing counsel frequently welcome the use of AV settlement brochures to help them persuade stubborn clients that settlement is in their best interests.

Just as in a public television documentary, the AV settlement brochure incorporates photography, news footage, illustrations, animations, crucial interviews with key witnesses, video depositions ... literally any visible or audible evidence in the case ... into a cohesive and logical audio-visual film designed to move and persuade.

A well-established component of the AV settlement brochure is the "day-in-the-life" video. To fully demonstrate the daily results of a traumatic event, a videographer documents a typical day in the life of individuals or families who have suffered due to this event. Again, the power of the human emotion inherent in the case is demonstrated, offering a rare "jury-eyed view" of the evidence.

Legal Avenue can fully produce an AV settlement brochure tailored to the specific needs of your case. With the technology available today, Legal Avenue recommends mastering the finished documentary to DVD, which allows the recipient either to view it in its entirety from beginning to end, or to interactively select a desired chapter within the whole.

To inquire about the cost of producing an AV settlement brochure for your case, email us to set up an appointment or call 812-282-9100.


AV Settlement Brochures | Courtroom Presentations | Video Depositions | Day-in-the-Life Video Documentaries
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